"Welcome to Messenger's Void."

"Greetings, I am Void Messanger Candle. It appears you've found my door. Care to write a letter?"

"Someone left you a letter."

To whom it reached,Good morning/afternoon/evening! I hope you're well.
I'm an aspiring digital artist from a small town in Canada.
It means so much to me that you've found your way here, whether you're looking to commission me or just browsing, I really appreciate it. Thanks for taking a look!My main goal in this lifetime is to inspire and make people smile, and I'd love to be able to do that with you.

"Looking to employ that candle?"
Commissions Status: [Working!] [2/2]
* Prices W.I.P! (prices scare me)

Will Draw:
OCs, Horror, Light Gore, Twitch assets, Pixel art, Stream Avatar assets, and more!
(Feel free to ask about anything that is or isn't listed here!)
Will Not Draw:
NSFW, Offensive/Hateful Art

"Looking to write that letter?"

For all your questions, inquiries, and more!Email:
[email protected]
You can email me about updates you'd like to your commission, references for your commission, questions, and more!Discord:
If you would like to get in touch via Discord, you can find me in the halls over at https://discord.gg/TueEYwY9NE !
If you would like to ask your question live, you can find me at twitch.tv/harrowick !
Current Payment Options:Paypal & Ko-fi !

"Oh, you would like to have a chat? I would be delighted to oblige. What did you have in mind?"

"...temporal distortion, if I had to guess. To be honest, the cause is lost to even myself.""I'd send a letter to my past self, if I could, but I doubt I'd listen to myself.""I wouldn't.""Not after last time!"

"Hmhmhmm! if you'd like to go by standard candle naming conventions, you can call me Void Messenger Candle! Or Messenger Candle for short.""Now that is a name I haven't used in a while... almost makes me remember some fond memories of another life!""...almost."

"Give or take a couple incarnations, factor in the temporal anomalies and the undocumented effects of this void...""Hm. Long enough to end up looking like this in a place like this, I suppose.""Sorry I don't have anything more definitive for you."